Сегодня 22 октября 2024
MWC 2018 2018 Computex IFA 2018
Technical requirements for ad-materials intended for placement at the 3DNews

Technical requirements for ad-materials intended for placement at the 3DNews

General information:

  • The term «banner »used in the text below stands for digital graphical advertisement created in accordance with the below listed technical requirements;
  • The following banner formats can be used as advertisements:
    • Either static or animated GIF, JPEG or PNG images;
    • Rich Media HTML5-blocks;
    • Static text or formatted HTML-blocks;
  • Allowed banner dimensions (specified in pixels width*height ):
    • 200*600 / 240*400 / 160*600 — wide skyscraper in the topmost part of the right column on all pages;
    • 100%*90 (1245*90) — top-line zone on every site page;
    • 810*90 — banner zones on top of every site page;
    • 240*400 — right column;
    • 160*320 — banner zones below the main site menu on the left;
    • 240*240 — banner zone to announce competition.
  • Availiable advertising campaign types:
    • Static campaign — one or more banners are evenly rotated within an exclusively reserved for the campaign banner zone throughout the desired time period without any limitations (except specific cases, when limitations are requested by the advertiser);
    • Dynamic campaign — one or more banners are delivered requested number of times evenly during the requested time period. All banner zones that are not occupied by static campaigns of other advertisers are used as banner delivery targets. If no banner is delivered due to limitations, internal stub banner is shown instead. Only one such campaign banner presented to a single viewer as a result of a single request received by the server. Commercial banners have higher priority [1] than internal stubs.

Technical requirements applied to all new banners:

  • General requirements:
    • A link (URL) to the the target web site or page must be supplied for each banner within a campaign;
    • Banner dimensions must strictly match the dimensions of the requested zone;
    • Banner's colour scheme and content must not be in any way aggressive, disturbing or annoying;
  • Requiremets applied to static or animated GIF, JPEG or PNG banners:
    • The size of each banner must not exceed 80 kilobytes;
  • Requiremets applied to Rich Media HTML5 banners:
    • Accepted banners in HTML5 developed in Adobe Edge and Adobe Animate CC (html5 canvas);
    • Allowed only one link with banner;
    • Put the files in a separate directory;
    • Pack directory with files in the ZIP;
    • The size of each banner must not exceed 150 kilobytes;
    • Interactive roll-over banners that in full visibility state overlap a part of page content must be initially shown reduced to it's zone dimensions and can be expanded not before being triggered by any user action such as mouse pointer hover or click. Similarly, banners of this type in expanded state must be obligatorily provided with an easily noticeable control element to allow the user reduce them to their initial size.
    • Rich Media banners that initially contain or pre-load large amounts of external data, such as video clips, sound tracks, images or any other multimedia content, must obligatorily be stopped by default and activated or initiate the download of external content not before being triggered by any user action, such as click or mouse pointer hover. Similarly, banners of this type must be obligatorily provided with an easily noticeable control element to to prevent or abort loading of external data and to stop or resume multimedia playback.
  • Static text and formatted HTML blocks:
    • The contents of the block must not oversize the dimensions of the target banner zone (unformatted, according to the 3DNews CSS-stylesheets);
    • A «style »attribute for tags of block can be used or any external CSS-stylesheet can be used in case if it does not override any 3DNews site style definition;

Advertiser responsibilities:

  • The advertiser shall create the advertising materials themselves strictly according to the current requirements;
  • The fully finished advertising materials must be received by at least 3 (three) workdays prior to start date in order to allow appropriate approval and placement on site;
  • In case the abovementioned requirements are not met, 3DNews reserves the right to refuse any advertising campaign in part or in full without providing any reimbursement to Advertiser;

Publisher (3DNews) responsibilities:

In case the requirements stated above (section «Advertiser responsibilities») are fulfilled, the publisher takes the responsibility:

  • To start serving banners strictly on the defined time;
  • Serve the defined number of banner impressions withing the reserved by the advertiser banner zones entirely and strictly within the defined time period:
    • For static campaigns: secure the correct banner delivery and display during all campaign period;
    • For dynamic campaigns: assure that the requested number of impressions is fully delivered within the requested time period;
  • Provide the advertiser with an on-demand access to their campaign audit trial to control the campaign's banners delivery process by both sides;

Conflict settlement:

  • In case the advertiser does not comply with the stated requirements, the publisher reserves its right to either decline the advertising campaign or cut down the campaign period or impression number heeding the circumstances, delays and the weight of the consequences caused by the advertiser's responsibility violation;
  • In case the campaign is delayed through the publisher's fault or any delivery malfunctions were noticed during the campaign's activity, 3DNews undertakes to provide either of the following compensations:
    • For static campaigns: to extend the campaign period accordingly to the period of the delay or delivery breaches;
    • For dynamic campaigns: to increase the total number of campaign's impressions by 30% counted from the initial total number of impressions without any extra charges;
  • The publisher reserves its right to provide no compensation in case the delivery faults were caused by any technical reason that is impossible to forecast or influence by the publisher.
  • In case of act of God situations, the current statements lose its power.

Additional information:

  • The final and only valid evidence of fulfilling or not their responsibilities by the publisher is the internal audit trial the access to which is granted to the advertiser on their demand;
  • 3DNews does not provide any click-tracking possibilities for any third-party code banners. Thereby all click-tracking tasks are entrusted to the third-party ad delivery network. In such cases the following amendments to the current agreement come into effect:
    • The publisher provide any click-tracking;
    • The publisher remains keeping track of all banner impressions;
    • Internal impression statistics are counted as high priority then the third-party network when in comes to any conflict settlement.
  • If any other evidence of the campaign's start apart from the internal statistics, such as the screen-shot of the site's page showing the banner's etc., is required, the advertiser must take their own effort to obtain it. In case any assistance is required from the publisher's side, extra charges apply in case the contrary is not stated by the media service agreement between the advertiser and the publisher.
  • In some exclusive cases the publisher may provide assistance to create, modify or fix the banner for the advertiser by their request. Such cases are stated by the media service agreement between the advertiser and the publisher . Extra charges apply.

Delivery capping and targeting possibilities:

3DNews is able to provide the following delivery limitations and targeting[ 2 ] options:

  1. Impression number:
    1. Advertising campaign scope:
      1. Total number of impressions served for the campaign ( «ASAP »and «even »delivery of the total reserved impression number is possible);
      2. Either minimal or maximal daily impression;
      3. Total impressions per unique visitor;
      4. Per-user session capping – maximum number of impressions per one unique visitor within a period of time (session life time);
    2. Single campaign's banner scope:
      1. Total impressions per unique visitor;
      2. Per-user session capping – maximum number of impressions per one unique visitor within a period of time (session life time);
    3. In case the campaign and banner scopes overlap each other, the result capping will represent and algebraic union of both capping sets.
  2. Date/time capping:
    1. By date period (from/to);
    2. Single day;
    3. By day of week;
    4. By hour of day – hourly timespan (e.g.: from 09:00 to 18:00 and from 22:00 to 23:00);
  3. Site-oriented capping:
    1. Site section (static campaigns);
    2. Specific pages of the site;
    3. By referrer (with regard to the page the visitor came from);
  4. User parameters targeting:
    1. User IP-address/domain;
    2. User system language;
    3. User browser;
  5. User geographical location targeting:
    1. By continent;
    2. Only by country;
    3. By geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude);
    4. By country and region;
    5. By country and city.
  • Each banner can be set to follow more than one targeting rules. Targeting rules can be combined using the boolean logic (AND/OR statements). Such cases are called «Combined targeting».

Any requests regarding advertising interaction, including unstated advertising options, special offers and services, discounts and exclusive projects, should be forwarded to the 3DNews advertising department via e-mail to reclama@3dnews.ru , or feel free to get in touch directly with our managers:

[1] — the final priority of the campaign or its banner is calculated automatically based on its eCPM value in comparison to other campaigns and banners;

[2] — please note, that any targeting services imply extra charges. Please, contact our managers for the details.

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